Trump, Koi Fish, and the Agenda Driven Media

November 5th was a day like any other day. The sun rose in the morning. Birds started to chirp. McDonald’s opened at 5AM and started serving sub-par breakfast. Media outlets and blue check-marks threw integrity to the wind, logged into twitter, and greeted the day with their daily doses of lies and dishonesty.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump was in Japan meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. While there, he took part in traditional Japanese pastimes, like playing golf, and eating hamburgers.

Then he fed some koi fish, and the hysterical man-children and women-children of the media were given the opportunity to prove they could be every bit as childish as Trump.

Both Trump and Abe were enjoying a staged photo-op, feeding koi fish from wooden boxes, flinging spoonfuls of feed down to the fishy maws below. Then PM Abe tossed the remainder of his box into the water, and President Trump followed suit.

Precisely 27 seconds later, twitter erupted with countless tweets and links to incompetently-penned click-bait articles by millennials with over-valued Communications degrees.

The basic gist of most of these tweets was: “Trump is moron. Other guy feed fish, but he dump fish food out like moron!!1!”.

Or course, this was in fact not the case, but journalism has changed a lot in the last few decades, and now D+ students are the gatekeepers of news. People who are unable to be objective and deliver a story without a blatantly partisan bias have become a rare breed within the modern media. Hence the increased volume of outright propaganda that gets passed off as actual journalism these days.

Any “journalist” very easily could have looked at the source material, done a little research, and very easily debunked the narrative that was being pushed. The simple act of watching a 30 seconds video that was readily available could have prevented dozens of goofs from posting tweets or writing articles that were so easily debunked.

Trump_IndependentThen what happened, The Independent (blue_checkmark.jpg)? Trump showed his “usual bluntness” by copying the actions of the Prime Minister of a foreign country he was visiting? The same thing all visiting Presidents do? Did Shinzo Abe, the actual Prime Minister of Japan, not know the “ritual for visiting dignitaries”, but you arrogant mouth-breathers do?

Trump_MetroTrump got impatient, did he, Metro (blue_checkmark.jpg)? He got impatient by calmly parroting the Japanese Prime Ministers actions? How do you know what Trump was told? Were you there, Metro (blue_checkmark.jpg)? You weren’t, were you? So essentially, you’re just creating an alternate narrative to push an agenda? This seems out of character for such a dependable, credible media outlet such as yourself.

Trump_Guardian“Trump dump”. That sure is a creative headline, The Guardian (blue_checkmark.jpg). Did someone with a writing degree from a college come up with that? I can’t help but notice you’re running the same false narrative as all the other outlets writing stories about this non-event. It’s good to know that British “news” organizations are just as unreliable and dishonest as their U.S. counterparts. Keep up the good work.

Trump_JezebelOn the other end of the (autism?) spectrum, we have the childish bastion of anti-intellectual, non-content known as Jezebel (blue_checkmark.jpg). This site not only posted a factually-inaccurate story (practically their business model), but refused to change it after finding out it was wrong. It’s almost as if facts and truth don’t matter at Jezebel (blue_checkmark.jpg). Sounds like an intelligent choice of places to go to get your news from.

Countless other sites posted lazy, copy-and-paste articles about this topic as well. CNN posted doctored footage, conveniently cropping out PM Shinzo Abe dumping his container first, which shouldn’t surprise anybody familiar with CNN’s level of journalistic integrity. HuffPo wrote some 5th-grade level, emotionally-based drivel that 50-year-old women with 8 cats no doubt ate up. There were many more, but I think you get the point.

The grand irony here, is that these articles represent the very #FakeNews that Trump has become known for railing against on his twitter account and at press conferences. Keep in mind, this wasn’t an incident that was easy to get wrong. These outlets either A) didn’t actually watch the footage before deciding to write and post these articles, or B) saw the footage, and still decided to write what amounts to slander. Can someone please explain to me again why trust in the media is at an all-time low?

This wouldn’t be a problem if it were merely an isolated incident, but it isn’t. Most of these sites seem to exist solely as politically-motivated propaganda machines dedicated to writing hit-pieces on a daily basis. If a politician legitimately messes up, journalists should write about it. If that person doesn’t mess up, journalists obviously shouldn’t then alter reality in order to write a negative piece about him or her. This seems like common sense to me. The fact that people still read this type of stuff and don’t question it, is quite disturbing. It’s almost like society is intellectually regressing back to the medieval era.

People are willing to believe absolutely idiotic things as long as it confirms a bias that they already hold. Hence, we’ll continue to get misleading or outright fabricated articles over the next 3 (potentially 7) years, to fuel the partisan dementia that infests social media, and provides a lucrative business model for increasingly dishonest media outlets.

Hopefully we get a Democrat in office next so that we can get back to reading all those cult of personality based fluff articles instead. It’ll be nice to be back in an era where the media outright buries and refuses to cover human right’s violations, corruption, and unconstitutional acts from politicians they share a political affiliation with. After all, that’s truly what journalistic integrity is all about.

Google: Visual Diversity vs Intellectual Diversity

Recently, a Google employee by the name of James Damore released a memo essentially criticizing the company’s idea of diversity, and attempting to explain what actual diversity was, via things like common sense and published studies. Not surprisingly, the cult of left-leaning media got together, and decided to push the narrative of “anti-diversity” in describing the memo, which they also took to calling a “manifesto”. You know… like those things lone wolf killers release after massacring a building full of people. Propaganda much?

When I read this memo on Gizmodo, or one of those other BuzzFeed-esque bastions of idiocy, I initially thought the contents of the memo was actually the response of Google’s brand spanking new VP of Diversity, Integrity, and Governance (Who pulled that job position out of their ass?). You see, this memo that every pearl-clutcher on social media was complaining about, was supposed to be this dangerous, hateful screed demonizing minorities, women, and family pets. As you can imagine, I was expecting the actual memo to be irrational, and the person with the pretentious title’s response to be the rational part.

The memo I read however, was very calm, collected, analytical, and actually argued in favor of diversity in the work place. As someone who actually reads, and enjoys things like facts and science (And not just faux-science facebook pages), I didn’t see much stated in the memo that I wasn’t already aware of. It did contain “hate-facts”, like arguing that men and women are different, motivated by different things, and have different strengths and weaknesses. The type of facts anyone who has ever been in an adult relationship with the opposite sex, or at very least doesn’t live in a cave should probably already be aware of.

Ironically, the memo also argued that silicon valley is overwhelmingly Democrat-voting, and tends to be a hostile, noninclusive environment to anybody of any other political affiliation or background. The irony being that there is now one less non-leftist in silicon valley (Damore is evidently Libertarian), because someone dared to hold an opinion and state factual data that didn’t fit the narrative of his employer and employees. Those in the echo chamber of silicon valley felt threatened and unsafe by differing opinions (i.e. diversity), and felt the need to purge that which was different.

Which brings me to the title of this article.

When a company like Google touts it’s diversity, it isn’t referring to it’s wide breadth of ideologies and backgrounds. In an environment like Google, there is an entirely different type of diversity being paraded about. In this instance, diversity is a visual concept, usually only signifying minor surface-deep differences between two people. The existence of two individuals who hold exactly the same beliefs, but have different levels of melanin, represent diversity here. It is “diversity” to have a woman and man present who are essentially carbon copies of each other, save for their chromosomes. This type of diversity is merely a matter of visual differences, and rarely anything deeper.

The definition of diversity outside of these progressive circles tends to imply a difference of ideas, or world view, regardless of skin color, gender, or anything else pertaining to identity politics. This is often referred to as intellectual diversity. Two individuals could have completely different world views for example, and both be black women. You would need to actually listen to the ideas of these two people to gauge whether any actual intellectual diversity was present however. If you’re only interested in racial diversity though, these women then become completely interchangeable. They serve the same end merely by virtue of their skin color. This just so happens to be tokenism.

You literally don’t even need to converse with a group of people to determine whether that group is diverse, via this shallow, skin-deep definition of diversity. You could look through a stack of photographs of potential employees, select an assortment of different-looking folks, make sure you’ve created a nice “diverse” team, then call it a day. Unfortunately, it’s becoming more and more common for large companies to engage in practices of this sort due to social pressures to hire merely for visual diversity. This seemingly amounts to little more than a P.R. move used to give the illusion of something existing, which is rarely actually present within these environments. Diversity is our strength! That one guy is tall, and that other guy is short. We are diverse!

How exactly does hiring a bunch of ideologically similar people, who happen to be different colors create strength though?  Visual diversity (race, gender, etc.) is a thing that obviously exists, and has it’s merits, but it isn’t the same as intellectual diversity, and the two shouldn’t be confused or conflated. If a meteor was headed for Earth, you would probably want an intellectually diverse group of people solving the issue, rather than a visually diverse group of people. A group who looks varied, but thinks similarly isn’t likely to provide a wide range of solutions to a particular problem.

Racial and gender diversity existing independent of intellectual and ideological diversity does have it’s place though. That place being visual mediums.

If a country is composed of many different races, all those races should probably be represented in a realistic portrayal of that country in a visual medium. Formats like television, movies, advertisements, etc. America is a diverse place, so a visual medium should represent this. China is not a very diverse place, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that their visual mediums aren’t very diverse. The intellectual component of diversity doesn’t have to come into play in matters of visual representation.

If a product is being advertised, the company selling that product wants to project racial and gender diversity if that product is intended for everybody. This makes sense from a business standpoint. If you’re marketing only to a single demographic, it gives off the impression that your product is solely meant for that particular demographic, and not everybody. Your sales might be hurt by this. If a product is intended for a single demographic, then obviously the advertisements would reflect that. The intellectual component of diversity isn’t usually necessary in marketing.

Both visual and intellectual diversity can be present at the same time within a company. The main issue here is that only visual diversity is being focused on by the detractors of this memo, and seemingly, Google itself. Intellectual diversity is all but ignored, as if it has absolutely no use to a society.

Once again, these are two different types of diversity, and they are not interchangeable.

Claiming intellectual diversity merely from differences in skin color requires a huge degree of assumption. You know nothing about another person until you actually converse with them, and you never have the opportunity to converse with someone different than yourself, when you live in an echo-chamber. Google, like many tech companies, seems to be an echo chamber. Everyone is a neat little ideological carbon copy of everybody else. So when someone voices an opinion that is different from the flock, people in these environments don’t know how to handle it like well-developed grown-ups.

When you are surrounded solely by people who think exactly like you, you start to share a lot with the average cult member. People in cults are intentionally cut off from the outside world, to prevent them from coming across differing options. Differing opinions that might change their world view and cause them to potentially leave that very cult. Differing opinions that might cause them to question the validity of the beliefs they hold. Beliefs they generally possess merely by virtue of being surrounded by, and indoctrinated into those convictions.

You see this played out a lot on social media. People willingly surround themselves with people who think exactly as they do (i.e. an echo-chamber), only to have their beliefs reinforced by never having a differing opinion around to challenge them on those beliefs (i.e. confirmation bias). These beliefs could be nonsensical, to downright idiotic, but if they are never challenged, the person will never grow out of them.

It’s extremely rare to see anybody on facebook actually engaging in any kind of intellectual debate. The platform seemingly exists for people to grandstand on certain topics, only to have others who already share the same opinion dole out empty validation through clicking a “thumbs up” button. “My opinions must be intelligent and correct, because all these people whom I’m friends with, because we think alike, agree with me.”

In the rare instance wherein a conflict of ideas actually results on facebook, a nuanced exchange of ideas hardly ever results. More often than not, this is because the one broadcasting their half-baked ideas and opinions hasn’t actually mulled over the issue enough to actually have a cogent debate on the topic. They certainly haven’t looked at the issue from both sides, or done much in the way of critical thinking on the subject. None of this is necessary however, when you live in an echo-chamber, and your views will conveniently never be challenged.

This is illustrated by the sheer amount of people who seem to have an opinion on a relatively short memo they obviously didn’t bother to read. How can you justify spewing your opinion out into the public realm on something it’s painfully obvious you never even applied the minimum amount of effort to look into? These types of people are the kids in school who wrote book reports on novels they didn’t even read. Unfortunately these types are getting hired into the click-bait junk media that has replaced legit platforms of journalism in the last 5-10 years.

These kinds of sites aren’t “fake news”. They aren’t even news at this point. They’re poorly written and researched bias, that serves no purpose but to get clicks and sell ad revenue.

Anyhow… now that this article is already 3 chapters long, lets actually delve into that dangerous thought-crime manifesto, shall we? Below are a few excerpts from that memo:

  • Women on average, have more openness directed toward feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas. Women generally also have a stronger interest in people rather than things relative to men. These two differences in part explain why women relatively prefer jobs in social or artistic areas. More men may like coding because it requires systemizing and even within SWEs, comparatively more women work on front end, which deals with both people and aesthetics.

That’s totally racist, yo! I mean Islamophobic… I mean… what’s that term I throw around when I haven’t read something, and/or don’t understand the material presented, proceed to get hysterical and defensive, and throw around accusations?

That’s sexist! That’s the term I was searching for. Implying that women “on average” have different traits and interests then men in sexist. I also ate paint chips as a child, and have a room temperature IQ, but that’s most definitely racist. I mean, sexist.

  • Women on average, have more extraversion expressed as gregariousness rather than assertiveness. Also, higher agreeableness. This leads to women generally having a harder time negotiating salary, asking for raises, speaking up, and leading. Note that these are just average differences and there’s overlap between men and women, but this is seen solely as a women’s issue. This leads to exclusory programs like Stretch and swaths of men without support.

Oh my god! Can you believe this? I totally can’t even right now… I have no idea what half those words even mean, but I’m certainly not going to actually look them up. I’m just going to assume that all that stuff is bad, and homophobic… I mean sexist, and go about my day. My favorite color is potato.

  • We always ask why we don’t see women in top leadership positions, but we never ask why we see so many men in these jobs. These positions often require long, stressful hours that may not be worth it if you want a balanced and fulfilling life. Status is the primary metric that men are judged on, pushing many men into these higher paying, less satisfying jobs for the status that they entail. Note, the same forces that lead men into high pay/high stress jobs in tech and leadership cause men to take undesirable and dangerous jobs like coal mining, garbage collection, and firefighting, and suffer 93% of work-related deaths.

There’s literally nothing in that statement that I can reasonably dispute using any kind of logic, but my feels are telling me that it’s wrong, so therefore I’m just going to call it sexist. I’m sure it’s also transphobic and ableist in some way, but as we’ve already established, throwing around these words requires no intellectual processing, and therefore, I’m not even going to bother backing up my claims. Next!

  • The male gender role is currently inflexible. Feminism has made great progress in freeing women from the female gender role, but men are still very much tied to the male gender role. If we, as a society, allow men to be more “feminine,” then the gender gap will shrink, although probably because men will leave tech and leadership for traditionally feminine roles.

Not to break character, but I legitimately can’t see how anybody could possibly view this as “sexist” or “anti-diversity” in any capacity. This is essentially a sentiment one would find on any feminist blog deconstructing gender roles and espousing the harms of the patriarchy. This guy would get lambasted for being a SJW for stating this view in any other capacity. This is by no means the only instance in the “manifesto” wherein this gentlemen makes a statement like this either.

  • I strongly believe in gender and racial diversity, and I think we should strive for more.

Not according to all those hit pieces written about you, my dude. How can you possibly claim to be in favor of something, when other people are insisting so adamantly that you are against it? If you insist that your favorite color is blue, but a bunch of “D+” students who got jobs working at sites like Gizmodo and Vox claim that you hate the color blue, who are you to argue? You racist.

  • We all have biases and use motivated reasoning to dismiss ideas that run counter to our internal values. Just as some on the Right deny science that runs counter to the “God > humans > environment” hierarchy the Left tends to deny science concerning biological differences between people

Not to break character again, but this is perhaps the most categorically true statement in this memo. I mean… (cue spooky music) “manifesto”. I’ve got an article on this very topic laying around my wordpress somewhere that I need to finish. It’s about people’s tendency to gleefully parade out science that conforms to their partisan agendas, while being just as quick to reject science that contradicts those same agendas. Let’s continue, however.

  • I hope it’s clear that I’m not saying that diversity is bad, that Google or society is 100% fair, that we shouldn’t try to correct for existing biases, or that minorities have the same experience of those in the majority. My larger point is that we have an intolerance for ideas and evidence that don’t fit a certain ideology. I’m also not saying that we should restrict people to certain gender roles; I’m advocating for quite the opposite: treat people as individuals, not as just another member of their group (tribalism).

That’s a pretty damning statement there, buddy. Lemme get this straight. Diversity isn’t bad, society isn’t fair, we should try to fix bias, minorities have it bad sometimes, we shouldn’t reinforce gender roles, and people should be treated as individuals?

Can you believe the nerve of this man? What an absolute piece of garbage! Who in their right mind could state these hateful things?

Yes folks. These are the ideas that the imbeciles of the internet are touting as sexist, racist, and anti-diversity, among other words people who don’t possess enough intellect to fabricate actual arguments sling around.

I’m going to stop here. Mainly because the entire memo is relatively mundane, as is to be expected, since it’s essentially comprised of data taken from numerous scholarly sources. It’s basically an aggregate of fairly common, widely-held, heavily-researched principals that a certain group of people (see science deniers above) refuse to acknowledge, because they went into debt to pay for an education that somehow left them dumber in the long run.

I’m a fairly accepting individual, but to be frank, I have a really hard time trying to justify viewing anyone as remotely intelligent, who upon actually reading this “manifesto”, has no problem slandering it as a whole. The vast majority of this thing was so common-sense that it was hardly worthy of any of the fuss it created. The parts that actually were opinions, were extremely liberal, and surprisingly inclusive in nature. I’m having difficulty seeing any of the articles written about this as being anything other than quite obvious agenda-driven propaganda at this point.

But then again, we currently exist in a peak satire-as-reality world. The place wherein people exist who say shit like “There’s no differences between the sexes!” and then turn around, and in the same breath, say something like “It’s time for change. Let’s elect a woman president!”, all without a hint of irony.

So to sum up: sexes = not different, yet somehow: different sex = different outcome.

Gotcha. Enjoy those paint chips.


Philadelphia: The City Of Brotherly Facepalms

Oh, for fuck sake, Philadelphia…

PhiladelphiaThis is like letting children decide what the family will eat for dinner. You end up eating fruit roll-ups and ice cream.

Where do I even start?

First off, the flag already represented people of all colors. That’s why the flag is a god-damn rainbow. You know, because it represents all the colors. Otherwise the flag would have been, you know, black and brown already. The flag contains no actual skin tones for a reason.

Secondly, there is no black or brown in a rainbow. Rainbows are actual things that exist.


Do you see any black or brown stripes in that rainbow up there? No you don’t. That’s because God, Allah, and/or science didn’t feel the need to fuck everything up by cramming insecure human identity politics into everything in nature. It’s refracted/reflected light broken down into a color spectrum, not an attention-seeking, virtue-signalling, circle-jerk opportunity.

This is what happens when you view the world through the lens of 24-7 identity politics. You find racism and inequality absolutely everywhere. Even in the very things that are already all-inclusive by design.

We’re currently at the crossroads where real-life is becoming so idiotic that we’re blurring the lines between satire and reality. Life is turning into an Onion article right before our eyes.

The “ok” sign is now a racist symbol because internet trolls are smarter than Huffington Post readers. Milk is somehow racist now because the average IQ of BuzzFeed’s demographic is 76 (I haven’t researched this, but it’s probably true). Society’s dumb and irrational have been given a voice and platform, and this kind of nonsense is the direct result. People like this used to get thrown into volcanoes to appease an angry god. Now they write articles for Mic and Salon.

Now they turn satire into real-life.

Everybody in that first photo is a moron, and deserves to have rotten heads of lettuce thrown at them in the town square. Maybe then they’re learn to not do things that are dumb and nonsensical.

The Paris Climate Deal is Complete Bullshit

The U.S. recently left the Paris Climate Deal and the internet ain’t having it.

That’s what the title of this article would have been it had been written for BuzzFeed. It also would have been arbitrarily structured as a top ten list, because the easily-amused love a good list. There would have been a lot of pictures too, because journalism these days apparently involves including a photo for every two to three sentences written.

All this is beside the point though. The point is that the Paris Climate Deal is a complete joke, and it doesn’t matter that the U.S. isn’t a part of it. This agreement is strictly a circle-jerk and a P.R. move. Any actual research or rumination on the topic makes this quite evident.

To begin with, every country on the planet signed this agreement, except three. Those three being Syria, Nicaragua, and of course, the United States. Well isn’t it bad that everyone’s in on this union except these three? If everyone else is doing something, we need to be doing it too, right? Fitting in and conforming is what all good lemmings people should strive for after all.

“Wrong.” -Trump 2016 A.D.

Take a second and realize who else is signed on to this nonsense.

North Korea. The country ruled by a dictator. The country that might be the worst offender of human rights in the world today. The country that exists as a military state, with the ultimate goal of nuclear domination of its enemies. The country that seems to value human life less than another other country on Earth.

Does anybody actually believe that North Korea is concerned about the environment in any capacity? Well, they’re part of the Paris Climate Deal™, so they obviously must care about carbon footprints, right? There can’t possibly be any other explanation, like perhaps the fact that being a part of this is a nice P.R. move for “good guy points” on the world stage.

Saudi Arabia is part of the Paris Climate Deal™. The country with the worst air pollution on the entire planet, who also happens to be its largest exporter of crude oil to boot. Does anyone reading this seriously think Saudi Arabia gives a single shit about carbon footprints and climate change? Is anyone caught up in this “save the planet” narrative actually this gullible?

I can go around telling everyone that I’m against child labor, but if i keep going out and buying clothes and products made with child labor, was I ever truly against child labor? Perhaps I was merely virtue signalling to the world that I’m a great person and care about important issues. Virtue signalling and legitimate action are not one and the same.

How about those 17 countries where people literally throw garbage into rivers and lakes that they then proceed to bathe and poop in. Are these countries doing their part to save the planet? All of them are a part of this important and worthwhile Paris Climate Deal, so one can only assume that they care about the environment. The fact that they are actively ruining the environment as we speak should be of no consequence.

It’s almost as if there is no actual criteria that needs to be met in order to be a part of this deal. It’s almost as if the whole thing is a completely empty, meaningless gesture.

I can’t say it’s of much surprise that some of the less rational types out there are getting so worked up over something of so little substance though.

When this doomsday narrative of imminent planetary destruction gets forced down people’s throats on a regular basis, they start to believe it without question. They start to believe that flushing their toilet one less time a day is somehow going to ensure their kids a brighter future.

The fact of the matter is that very little you do as an individual will have any noticeable effect on global warming or saving the planet.

To put things into perspective, the 16 largest ships in the world create the same amount of pollution as every car on Earth. Danish shipping line Maersk’s eight largest ships in their fleet each produce the pollutants of 50 million cars (info from You deciding to not own a car to combat global warming is about as effective as you deciding to lose weight by eating one less grain of rice a day. The consequences of these actions are borderline negligible.

People have a tendency to overstate their own relevancy in the grand scheme of things, though. People love to believe that the minor actions they take are resulting in some great difference in the world. Give a quarter to that homeless person on the corner. You’re really making a difference out there. That guy definitely isn’t just going to turn around and spend that money on drugs and/or alcohol that are merely contributing to his demise. It doesn’t matter how it gets spend though, because you are a great person for having “helped out”.

I highly doubt many of these “I’m saving the planet” types are going to give up their imported goods that are responsible for the vast majority of the world’s pollution. Ironically, keeping manufacturing in the U.S., or just North America in general, is going to do more to prevent pollution than practically anything else, but most of these greenies have been sold on the idea that being against globalism is “racist” or “fascist”, or some other infantile buzzword. Either choose globalism, or choose a pollution-free planet. You can’t have it both ways.

As more goods are shipped internationally, more barges are needed, and as more barges are put into use, the amount of pollution created will continue to increase exponentially. No amount of recycling you do is going to divert us from this path we are headed down. Learn to accept this, and move on.

“Going green” is about as futile a venture as one can undertake. You are but a drop in the ocean, and your impact on the planet is no more relevant.

The people who actually buy into this trend, tend to be the same people who will praise a jackass like Leonardo DiCaprio for speaking out against global warming, while ignoring the fact that he has the carbon footprint of a small city. When you praise someone for being an environmentalist, but their actions and lifestyle are the antithesis of this ideology, you don’t come across as particularly intelligent or informed. Celebrity worship tends to trump ideological consistency among slacktivists though, as the idolatry over Hollywood elites with rudimentary political views has proven time and time again.

Unfortunately, people love to be sold virtue, and are all too quick to buy.

The Paris Climate Deal™ is just another pet rock or fidget spinner. Keep buying in, until you get bored, find something else to preoccupy you, then throw it out with the other garbage.

It’s All Downhill From Here.

Every creative mind eventually reaches that point where they accomplish their masterwork; that definitive statement that symbolizes the culmination of their life’s work. Well, my friends, family, spam bots, and random Nigerians who arrived here via bad search-engine optimization… here is my Citizen Kane:


Wow.  I don’t know about you, but that left me breathless.  I can’t even right now, you guys.  Just… wow.

Seriously though… can you believe how deep that was?  All the nuance.  All the layers.  It was like a visual feast of lasagna for the soul.

Seriously seriously though… I learned a lot while crafting this modern day epic.  I learned that tomatoes are actually a fruit.  I learned that all the numbers on a roulette wheel add up to 666. I learned that everybody I disagree with is more than likely “literally Hitler”.

I also learned a bit about cult of personality.

I never understood why so many seemingly intelligent people would gleefully back a modern politician, when none of them does more good than harm while in office.  Between the last two administrations, U.S. citizens have had their privacy and rights stripped at an alarming rate.  From the passing of the Patriot Act, to the limp, sort-of-a-fix Freedom Act that followed, to the continued propagation of a surveillance-state, the overreach of the NSA, FBI, and CIA, etc.  On top off all this, both parties have continually ignored improving the education and industry in the poorest areas, both black and white, whom they have no qualms gleefully preying upon for practically guaranteed votes.

So why would anybody slap their hands together like a trained seal over any of these regressive, ineffectual goofs?

While making this video, I amassed quite the collection of presidential verbal and physical gaffes.  In doing so, I started to notice something.  George W Bush was a goldmine of physical and verbal slip-ups, while Donald Trump has been a verbal train wreck, and Hillary Clinton held it down in the physical slip-up department.  I could have produced a full 5 minute video with any of these folk’s gaffes alone.  Barack Obama was a different case, however.

The guy rarely said anything stupid, and only tripped on one occasion that I could find.  Most of his gaffes had to do with him playing sports very poorly, or working out with the finesse of a little girl.  I didn’t even use much footage of him in my video, because quite frankly, it wasn’t very entertaining.

All of this footage acquisition served to bolster a belief I’ve had for quite some time now.  That belief being that people who don’t follow politics very closely tend to judge politicians purely on optics rather than actual policy.  This seems like a fairly obvious observation, but the people who are prone to this behavior tend to be in denial of the fact that they operate this way.  They think their opinions on politicians are dictated by some sort of knowledge they possess.  Grill them about some basics on politics however, and you realize they’re merely absorbing their opinion on the matter from some source, much like a plant suckling sweet sun milk out of that great teat in the sky.  Whatever that means.

Hence, people who engage in this cult of personality, elevating up politicians for no actual legitimate reason, will always focus on the gaffes.  Obama had great optics.  He spoke well, looked sharp, and never looked confused.  Even if he had shanked 14 Guatemalan children in the face, there are people who would have ignored that transgression, and still held him up as something extraordinary.  Meanwhile, Bush said something moronic, or tripped over something at least twice a week, and so it was easy for those same people to set him up as the villain.  To anyone actually paying attention to the policies however, neither guy was exceptional, or all that bad.  They were two sides to the same coin.  They could have been in a buddy cop movie together.  Maybe they still will be.

The point I’m trying to make here, is that 9/11 was an inside job, and every president had their hand on the button just a little bit.  We were all an inside job.  We were all 9/11.  Never forget us.  Never forget that you were an inside job.  Never forget that Tower 7 was because of you.  Yes it was.  Stop lying to yourself.  You did that.  I forgive you though.

The Rise Of A Violent, Fascist Left.

I’ve hesitated on posting this numerous times, because every time I’m about to hit that publish button, some new, idiotic bit of info pops up in my news feed pertaining to the topic at hand. I then feel the need to amend and add to what I’ve already written here on the subject. I’ve come to the realization however, that things are only going to get more ridiculous, so I might as well commit and move on to other things.

The fact of the matter is that there’s a disturbing trend happening as of late that I’m none to thrilled with, and quite frankly, you shouldn’t be either. It seems a portion of the population that likes to fancy themselves as “tolerant” and “accepting” are displaying quite the opposite attributes. In fact, they’re turning out to be the most violent and destructive force in our society today. By all accounts, what is being displayed is nothing short of fascism, and at its most extreme, domestic terrorism.

To bring you up to speed, in case you’ve been living under a rock, waves of young kids (and emotionally stunted adults) claiming to be liberals are displaying violent, fascist behavior under the guise of fighting the good fight. Ironically, they’re engaging in dangerous, fascist behavior, in the name of “fighting fascism”. Let that sink in for a bit. Good job, U.S. education system.

I’ve probably written about this a few times to some degree, but I don’t see this trend slowing down, and thus still view it as a problem worth writing about.

In the last few years, it’s become normalized, via the preaching of left-learning media, pandering celebrities, and the education system, to engage in violence as a means to push one’s agenda while stifling someone else’s freedoms.

This is the effect of indoctrination. When impressionable people are taught that it’s ok to violently attack people with differing views, they feel completely justified in doing so. It’s unfortunately also the result of individuals having a complete lack of education in basic history. You can’t look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you are the very fascist you claim to be against, if you don’t actually know what fascism is.To paraphrase George Santayana: “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”

fascism (noun) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice

Historically, fascism has been marked by one side trying to silence another side via censorship, violence, and the use of government force. This is far removed from a democratic debate of ideas, with both sides being allowed to express their ideas while remaining free from harm and prosecution.

Throughout history, from Stalin’s Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to Hitler’s National Socialist Party, to Mao’s Communist Party of China, government force has been used to control the narrative through authoritarianism.

authoritarianism (noun) the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom

When a group of people disagree with another group and make the decision to “win” the war of ideas by using violence to silence, they are engaging in fascism. Yet the folks we see engaging in these activities today, don’t seems to want to accept that they are the very enemy they claim to be fighting. I’ve come to the realization that the reasons these fascists don’t realize they are fascists, is because they are twisting definitions to conveniently omit themselves from the equation.

Their minds reason this out in the following way: Fascism is a “right wing” ideology according to the definition. They fancy themselves liberals/Democrats, therefore they can’t possibly be fascists. The problem with this logic, is that merely calling oneself liberal doesn’t make one a liberal.

liberal (adjective) open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values

Liberals, by definition, are open to differing ideas and opinions. People who try to shut down differing ideas and opinions, are by definition, not liberals. Given all the above definitions, people like Antifa, are (ironically) not liberal, or anti-fascist, but in fact anti-liberal, and the very definition of fascist. A surprising portion of the modern leftist movement shares very little in common with classical liberal values at this point. They’ve almost become the far-right of old.

Antifa represent the absolute worst of regressivism in modern society. These people are completely delusional about the way they look in the grand scheme of things. They view themselves as freedom fighters, saving the world like some sort of superhero collective. The problem is that they’re viewing themselves through a funhouse mirror. That funhouse mirror, being a lack of historical context, combined with positive reinforcement from a dishonest, delusional establishment.

A big part of this issue is that the rampant civil disobedience has been normalized as of late. Intellectual discussion and civilized debate are a thing of the past. If something doesn’t turn out in your favor, you now get to destroy stuff. If you don’t get your way, you are allowed to lash out like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Unfortunately the outgoing administration took a stance of never holding anyone accountable for their actions, so now we have bedlam every time an entitled group of people don’t get their way. What used to be an exception, is now becoming the norm.

Teachers at prestigious (citation needed) educational institutions are glamorizing, even outright encouraging this type of destructive behavior, passing down the indoctrination that was passed down to them. Instructors who were failed by their own educations, romanticizing tyrants and murderers like Castro and Guevara, continue this cycle, failing the next generation under them. It’s the educational equivalent of the child who was beaten by his father, going on to abuse his own kids.

This is all an unfortunate repeat of history. In fascist regimes, the youth were indoctrinated to fight the good fight by violently suppressing the opposition. In communist countries, this was done via smashing up evil capitalist businesses and ratting out everyone who dared dissent, to big daddy government. Anyone who showed any indication of opposing the regime was systematically destroyed. Tall poppy syndrome was in full effect.  Don’t stand out at all, lest you become the target of the violent hive mind.

The current hive mind, much like the hive minds of yore, largely consists of useful idiots, who expedite the erosion of basic liberties. Complaining to the authorities to block anyone’s dissenting opinion, effectively takes away everybody’s freedom of speech in the long run. These people are essentially fighting to limit free speech and “wrong think”, opening the doors for government to step in and limit our first amendment. After all, it’s the government that ultimately has the power to remove your freedoms,and not Nazis, the Taliban, or any other scary scapegoat.

As a matter of fact, most dystopian science fiction literature revolves around societies that were ruined by overreaching progressivism and emphasis on collectivism.  From Nineteen Eighty-Four, to Fahrenheit 451, to Brave New World, the futuristic societies portrayed were often destroyed by governments stepping in to “protect” the collective at the expense of individual rights. If your feeling get hurt by somebody else exercising their freedom of speech, the government will “fix” things by removing everybody’s freedom of speech. I’ll probably write an article about this topic another time, because it’s simultaneously interesting, and alarming.

it’s not just the uneducated educators who are guilty of pushing this dystopian future forward however. That bastion of out-of-touch arrogance know as Hollywood has been throwing it’s hat into the ring as of late. Every time there is an award show to hand out validation to these over-paid, attention-starved, professional pretenders, you can be sure somebody will take the opportunity to grandstand. Don’t expect any nuance however. People in gated, guarded communities tend to be a little out of touch with the realities us common-folk face.

Hence those glorious acts of millionaires pandering to the lowly peons who pay their salaries, by doing their best impersonations of a Braveheart speech. The problem here, is that it isn’t these clowns’ communities that are destroyed every time the irrational and lowly get whipped up into a frenzy and “protest”. It’s always the poor communities that suffer when people take out their anger with bedlam rather than words. These empty orations always garner the Hollywood elite ample media coverage the next day though, and if anything is evident, it’s that actors are desperate for any attention they can get.

It doesn’t necessarily matter if the actors, journalists, and those in the academics aren’t the ones throwing bricks and assaulting people themselves though. Those who might stoke the fire are no doubt guilty of the fire that may ensue. Inciting a riot is a felony after all.

It’s dangerous that people with this mindset are increasingly ending up in positions of power. They’ve already started to infest the media in places like BuzzFeed, i.e. the special olympics of journalism. Once these people start making it into politics, we’re going to be in for a bumpy ride. It’s already started to happen in Canada, where a guy set to go down as the least productive leader in western history is currently the Prime Minister. A ski instructor/drama teacher somehow bamboozled his way into the highest position in a country by pandering and having good hair. Of course, in the U.S. we ended up with a reality star, so I probably shouldn’t throw rocks in this glass house.

Now theses pseudo-revolutionary types are engaging in this childish act of trying to normalize violence against people they consider “Nazis”. The problem is, they consider absolutely anyone they disagree with a Nazi. So essentially the long and short of it is that they are trying to normalize being irrational and violent towards anybody they disagree with. What age group of person does this remind you of. If you guessed 3-5 years-olds, you are correct.

Which brings us back to Antifa. The revolutionary cosplayers who seems to operate on a combination of lack of historical knowledge, and emotionally-driven violent tendencies. They wear masks to hide their identities, much like bank robbers, muggers, snowboarders, and other people who often engage in degenerate, anti-humanitarian deeds. They’re essentially junior terrorists whom the extreme left refuses to call out for being terrorists.

“But their name means ‘Anti-Fascist’, so how can they be fascists?” If I had a buck for every time I’ve seen this ridiculously daft question posed, I could pay my rent for a month or two.

If I go around calling myself a Korean woman, does that make me a Korean woman? I can call myself whatever the hell I want to, but facts and actions dictate what I actually am. If I go around engaging in intimidation and political violence, I’m a terrorist by the very definition of that word. If I then want to use force to shut down any view differing from my own, I’m a fascist by the very definition of that word. Engaging in these activities dictates what I am, and not whatever cute misleading term I choose to use to label myself.

In reality, Antifa are nothing more than kids who have been failed by the education system. They “fight” fascism by ironically acting out in the same manner as Hitler youth and children in Mao’s China, “smashing capitalism” with violence and destruction. Education has failed them, in that they are completely incapable of fighting opposing idea with their brains, and thus need to rely on their fists. They act purely on emotion, and nothing else. Unfortunately, history doesn’t look back favorably on you merely because you “felt” you were doing the right thing.

I’d be willing to give some of these Antifa kids the benefit of the doubt, but the truth is that I have yet to converse with one online that didn’t give off the impression of being anything beyond a D+ student at best. You can’t expect a D+ student to have a very solid grasp of history or politics though. Hence them largely being fueled by emotion rather than intellect.

I’ll end this here, because I have no doubt I’ll end up writing about this 40 more times in the not too distant future. It would be nice if the journalists whose responsibility it is to objectively report on things like this were actually doing their jobs, but that evidently doesn’t happen any more. Partisanship and towing the line have replaced merely reporting facts and reality. One step closer to that dystopian future.

Entertaining Spam Comments

Anybody who hasn’t used WordPress might not be aware that it has quite the horrible spam problem.  So much so, that after downloading and installing it, you are prompted to download a spam-filter plugin to make the experience a little more bearable.

I didn’t install an anti-spam plugin right away, because a) I’m a chronic procrastinator, and b) quite frankly, I don’t like software telling me how to live my life.  After my first 4,546 spam comments came rolling in, along with the disappointment of realizing that not a single one of them was legit, I decided to install that plugin.

I still procrastinate on updating my filter to the latest version however, so every six months or so, a few tasty bits of spam still make it into my pending comment box, awaiting approval.

Here are a few I recently received:

“Roxie” wrote: Slam dunkin like Shaquille O’Neal, if he wrote intmroafive articles.

You can tell right off the bat when a comment is spam because the comments are always full of grammatical errors, regardless of how short or simple the comment is.  Literally 100% of them completely mangle up really simple words.  You’d think that a bot creating and littering the internet with comments would have the capacity to perform a basic spellcheck at some point before posting.  Wrong.  Impressive Shaq reference however.  I’ll take that as a compliment, “Roxie”.

“Lucinda” wrote: This shows real exstierpe. Thanks for the answer.

…on a post that was just a picture of me giving a can of chili the middle finger.  I have no idea what that mangled word was supposed to be, but I’ll assume it was something flattering.  I also apparently answered some sort of deep philosophical question they had via a single image, so that’s validating.

Finally, “Cheyanne” wrote: I love that your dining room has a sense of family history, it makes such sense for a space used for family gatherings and cetbiraleons! I definitely need to add some personal touches to our dining room – that seems to be a problem for me throughout our house for some reason. Your dining room looks fab!!

Don’t get me wrong… I appreciate that “Cheyanne” recognizes the work I’ve put into the dining room I don’t even have, but this was left on a post for my video “Punching Evil in the Face”.  Sometimes the spam comments at least relate to the content in the article, but this one was way off.  I appreciate the sentiment however, so your comment is getting approved, “Cheyanne”.  I look forward to future comments from you.