Portmanteau(toshops) – Riff Raff Edition

Hello again vacant void of the internet. Ya see, here’s the deal…  I recently obtained photo editing software after a ten plus year hiatus away from the magic of said photo editing software.  Long story short, I was reacquainted with the majesty that is “photoshopping”.  Namely, stuff of an inappropriate or comical nature.  Because honestly, unless I’m getting paid to do so, I’m not going to put that much time and effort into something serious.  Get real, bro.

I also happen to be a fan of the glorious portmanteau.  Not just because they have such a frenchity-french je ne sais quoi about them, but also because they’re hours, if not minutes of fun.  A portmanteau, in case you didn’t know, and are too lazy to actually look something up, is when you blend two existing words together into a new word.  By golly, the title of this post contains one!  I combined portmanteau and photoshop together into a new word.  Frankly it looked like crap, so I added parentheses, and lo and behold, it still looked like crap.  As far as I know though, I invented it, so you’re gonna eat it, and you’re gonna like it.

In this edition, I’m focusing on legendary rappist Riff Raff.  He’s very photogenic and also very photo(shop)genic to boot.  I didn’t just photoshop his head onto a chalupa or something like that though.  The premise is that the images had to be a wordplay on his name.  ‘Cause I takes it to the next level.  Defcon 6.


Riff Giraffe

Riff Giraffe

Riff Raphael

Riff Raffael

Riff Raffi

Riff Raffi

Sweet Dreams.

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