Hey there sir and/or madam. Long before I started this website, I used to dick around making youtube videos. Until now, I haven’t really felt the need to cross-promote the two separate entities, but the more I think about it, why would I not push both equally? I put a lot of time into creating sophomoric content on both, and it would be nice to achieve some sort of reach in both. So I reckon I’ll probably start posting the videos I create to this site as well. I won’t post everything, but those that fit the “vibe” of this site will be more likely to go up.
This one is a parody response to a much maligned video that BuzzFeed™ posted, called 36 Questions Women Have For Men. The video is pretty much a list of petty grievances, statistical verbatims and anecdotal gripes aimed at men. There is no analogous video aimed at women, but BuzzFeed’s™ largest demographic is eternally single cat ladies, so that makes sense. Regardless, I decided to make a response after seeing someone else (a female) post a response video, and getting a hearty chuckle. So essentially, I’m an uncreative follower. My video has a dildo in it though, so there’s that at least.