Things I Would Post On Twitter If I Used Twitter #7


Does anybody else hear that?


Shhh…  listen real closely.


I know exactly what that sound is.  A dead horse being ruthlessly beaten once again.  The flogging of a deceased farm animal can mean one thing, and one thing only.  Time for a filler post!  WHEEEEE!   Let’s get this over with and move on with our lives.


1)  Fun Fact: The Brits are completely unaware that there is a “c” in the word “schedule”.  The more you know.  (rainbow star)

2)  I’m working on a new idea for a sitcom.  It involves a white supremacist couple living together in New York.  It’s called “Mad About Jews”.

3)  I can tell one of my neighbors has OCD, because I hear their car honk at least a dozen times before they finally enter their house.

4)  I wonder if Kim Jong-un refers to his mom as “Mahjong”

5)  If Jesus had ever said “YOLO!”, it sure would have been ironic.

6)  My internet went out for 3 hours yesterday.  I now know what it’s like to live in a third world country.

7)  Listening to inspirational music only inspires me to get up and put something on that isn’t terrible.

8)  If I was a female rapper, I’d probably perform under the alias “Aunt Flow”.

9)  Fun Fact: The Brits are completely unaware that there is no “r” in the word “idea”.  The more you know. (rainbow star)

10)  I like to play a game called: Did this person talking close to my face just drink coffee, or eat a bowl of goblin turds.

#EnoughAlready  #PleaseMakeItStop

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