I Love My New Prius!

Hey guys!

I’m so psyched!  The newest Prius is out and I can’t wait to buy it!  This will be my third Prius now.  I won’t actually own three simultaneously, but I need to keep buying the newest model in order to save the Earth.  Yea, it allegedly requires a huge amount of energy and resources to built these cars, but I don’t have to buy as much gasoline, so it more than evens out.  I really only use it to go down the street to shop for frozen vegan quiche from Natural Foods™, but I don’t want to take the bus, because then I won’t be helping to save the Earth with my Prius.

It really is a great car.  Automobiles used to scare me, with all the loud noises and moving parts and whatnot, but the Prius is so non-threatening.   It completely doesn’t feel like something potentially dangerous that I probably should be paying attention in while I drive.  Get out of my way pedestrians!  Honk!  Honk!  Am I right?  I don’t have time to pay attention.  I’m too busy saving the planet!  And besides, how can it be dangerous if it’s so cute and quite?

The other day my friend told me that he thinks it would be great if all Priuses were self-driving, and that they all drove straight into the ocean once you got into them.  He’s such an Earth-saver hater.  I think he just needs to eat more organic, natural vegetables and chill out.  At very least, he should go out and buy a Prius so that he can see how awesome they are and experience the magic of instantly becoming a better person.  Anyways… gotta go!  It’s off to the dealership for a trade-in.  Also, check out the latest Prius ad.  It’s kinda weird, but there’s a lot of green in the ad, so that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.  Peace!

Prius Ad