Celeb/Food Photoshops For That Ass

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve dusted off the ole drawing tablet and GIMP™ brand photo-editing software to bust out some photoshops.  As a matter of fact, it’s been damn-near half a year.  As I was sitting around my place doing all sorts of important-guy things, I felt a great disturbance in the force.  The world needed more photoshops, and it needed this fella to cook some of those tasty little bitches up.  I’m going to be completely honest with you though.  I had a momentary lapse of confidence in my ability to serve up those clever(ish) photo edits that untold millions of people were no doubt salivating for.  But have no fear, because mere moments after grabbing that stylus, I realized that I am a master, and a master’s skill set never dulls.  Without further ado, I present to you, one man’s contribution to the betterment of society:

Bologne Danza:

Bologne Danza

Danny Devitoast:


Lady GaGazpacho:

Lady GaGazpacho

Baraccoli Obama:

Baraccoli Obama

Donald Rump Roast:

Donald Rump Roast